Stripe Flares
My stripe and new found flare love continues.
I bagged a bargain on EBay with these monochrome, stripe, wide leg trousers and I absolutely love them especially as they only cost me £5 - god love the sellers of EBay! I wore them high waisted which meant they were a perfect length with flats and kept the rest of the outfit simple with all black as they were quite the eye catching trouser!
I am finding it hard to put a paragraph together tonight as the last 3 days I have been working at
so my brain is frazzled and my feet are sore! I am in bed enjoying The Secret lives of 4 year olds which is just adorable, easy watching and making me giggle! I'll be back next time with a more chatty post but right now it's Night, Night from me.
Trousers - Ebay / Leather Jacket - Zara / Trainers - Adidas