My favourite blog reads
Yo, and Happy Friday bloggy internet friends, how are we all?
I am nearing the end of my week off and oh my, how productive it's been on the old blog front; has anyone noticed my 3 posts this week
*ahem - pats self on back*
I did have a couple of outfits to shoot, but the weather has been a right arse this week and mega restricted me on this one fashun-blawgginggg requirement. God damn you rain. Anyway, keep a look out as I've got lots of outfit treats coming right up for you all. Suede culottes from H&M yesterday for a FIVER -
say no more.
So, as the weather has interrupted my schedule (that makes me sound a lot more organised than I am) I thought about getting a
'fave reads'
post up.
I spend an unhealthy part of my time reading blogs and perusing Insta for my next dose of outfit inspo so why not share my favourite witty fashionistas with you lovely lot!
major babes alert*