Boohoo: Dress For Autumn Pt 3

Boohoo denim dress

This is the third and final post for my Boohoo

'Dress For Autumn'

styling challenge and there I go, print-clashing my fave prints (again), I also added a Topper's belt to synch in the waist and give it more of an evening vibe. Go check out 

look one


look two

 and holla back with your favourite...

Anyway, it's Friday tomorrow and I couldn't be happier as this week has been cray-cray to say the very least. All I know it this...there's a bottle of prosecz with my name written all over it waiting to be downed my moi.  

Have a lovely weekend!

Boohoo denim dress
Boohoo denim dress
Boohoo denim dress
office leopard print boots
office leopard print boots

Denim Dress c/o - Boohoo / Turtle neck c/o - Boohoo / Boots - Office

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