Girl vs Cancer: breast cancer awareness

On the 31st August my housemate, blogger pal, drinking partner and all round friend,


 got diagnosed with breast cancer. It was and still is, shit. But, she's like no other; tough, sassy and absolutely giving the middle finger to it. And for that, we salute her.

So natch, when she asked me to get involved with her latest venture to raise awareness for breast cancer and what it's like to be diagnosed as a single, fun-loving 31-year-old, I was on fucking board. 

Lauren has designed a range of lyrically

awesome tees

, which are not only WELL nice but a percentage of the proceeds will go to charity, you can read all about the how, why and where, 


. Myself, Lolli and a bunch of other fabulous bloggers all congregated at ours for brunch and ventured to the urban landscape of our beloved Hackney, this soon-to-be abandoned council estate was the perfect backdrop for Lauren's vision and shot by the incredible 


, I think we smashed it.

 Girl vs cancer

From L to R... AlyaHannahEmmaMeeeeeLolliLindsMeganMillie and Laura

 Girl vs cancer

I chose the

Knockers tee,

but there are plenty of other

sassy slogans

, so go show my gal some love by visiting the

#GIRL vs CANCER T-shirt shop

and do your little bit to support her and the incredible cause she is raising awareness for.

Knockers T-shirt - BUY YOURS HERE

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